Mangal Graha Japam

A rite called Mangal Graha Japam is carried out to appease the Mars planet, also known as Kuja dosha or Angarakha dosha. This is because Mars governs the muscles, bone marrow, and blood, and its unfavourable positioning can lead to blood-related health issues such as clotting. Therefore, when Mars is located in certain houses, such as 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th, it causes Manglik dosha. This Japam involves chanting mantras to please the Graha by invoking Mangal as per the Shastras. The ritual aims to relieve the problems caused by this dosha. The most auspicious day to perform Mangal Graha Japam is Tuesday, or the Japam date can be scheduled per the person's Janma Nakshatra..........

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This ritual aims to enhance willpower, courage, and energy levels while eliminating the negative effects of Mangal Dosha and laziness. The ritual is performed on Tuesdays or an auspicious date compatible with the individual's Janma Nakshatra, and the primary deity is Mangal (Mars).
Our team comprises Vedic Patashala-certified and experienced priests who follow Vedic standards and procedures. We use high-quality Samagri to ensure a pleasant Pooja experience and guarantee punctuality and authenticity. Our professional guidance and support are also included.
Our services provide:
Certified and experienced priests from Vedic Patashala
Adherence to Vedic Standards and Procedures for all rituals
High-quality Samagri(items) to ensure a pleasant Pooja experience
Guaranteed punctuality and authenticity in our services
Professional guidance and support for all our clients.

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