Ketu Graha Japam

Ketu Graha Japam: Ketu, also known as the remaining body part of the Asura Rahu, represents karmic accumulation, spirituality, enlightenment, corruption, and otherworldliness. A malefic or misplaced Ketu in the horoscope can cause cruelty, mercilessness, and harshness. Performing Ketu Graha Japam/Shanti can help one attain positive results from Ketu and eliminate all the problems caused by this dosha. The Japam is conducted by invoking Ketu and chanting mantras per the Shastras.

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This Japam is conducted to mitigate the effects of Ketu/Sarpa Dosha. It is performed to alleviate the negative impact of Ketu Dosha in one's horoscope. The chanting of this Japam is believed to bring about positive results. It is performed on a favourable date that aligns with the person's Janma Nakshatra. The main deity of this Japam is Ketu. We provide Vedic Patashala certified and experienced priests who follow Vedic Standards and Procedures, use high-quality Samagri(items) to ensure a pleasant Pooja experience, offer guaranteed punctuality and authenticity, and provide professional guidance and support.
We provide the services of certified and experienced priests from Vedic Patashalas who perform all rituals according to Vedic standards and procedures. We use high-quality samagri (items) to ensure a pleasant pooja experience. Our services are guaranteed punctual and authentic, and we offer professional guidance and support throughout the process.

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