Ayusha Homam

The Ayusha Homam is a ritual to improve one's health and promote longevity by invoking Ayur Devata and chanting Ayush Shuktha. It can be a powerful remedy for anyone, whether an adult or a child, suffering from illness, physical stress, or Balarishta Yoga in their birth chart. The Homam date is scheduled based on the Janma Nakshatra of the person. For children, it can be performed during their first-year birthday, ear piercing ceremony, or anytime they are sick. For adults, it can be conducted at any age, but it is often done during milestone decades, such as the 60th, 70th, or 80th year, to bestow them with good health.

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The purpose of this ritual is to enhance one's health and lifespan, and it can be performed at any age. The Janma Nakshatra determines the date of the ritual. During the Homam, the Ayur Devata is worshipped, and steamed rice is the primary ingredient.
Experienced and certified priests from Vedic Patashalas conduct all rituals following the Vedic Standards and Procedures. High-quality Samagri (items) are used to ensure a delightful Pooja experience. Punctuality and authenticity are guaranteed, and professional guidance and support are provided.

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