Celebration of Dussehra in different states in India

Dussehra Celebrations Across India: A Melange of Traditions and Festivities


Dussehra, also known as Vijayadashami, is a major Hindu festival celebrated across India with great enthusiasm and fervour. It marks the victory of good over evil, symbolizing the triumph of Lord Rama over the demon king Ravana. The festival takes on diverse forms in different states of India, showcasing the rich cultural tapestry of this country. In this blog, we’ll take you on a journey to explore the unique ways in which Dussehra is celebrated in various states, while also shedding light on Veda Yatra’s commitment to preserving these traditions through our puja services led by certified pujaris. 

Karnataka – Mysore Dasara: 

The state of Karnataka is renowned for its grand Mysore Dasara celebrations. The ten-day festival is a spectacle of grandeur and cultural events, culminating in a mesmerizing procession featuring the idol of the goddess Chamundeshwari atop a lavishly decorated elephant. Mysore Dasara is a testament to the state’s rich history and royal heritage, attracting tourists from all over the world. 

West Bengal – Durga Puja: 

In West Bengal, Dussehra is celebrated as Durga Puja, a ten-day festival dedicated to the goddess Durga. Elaborate pandals (temporary structures) are erected to house beautifully crafted idols of the goddess, and the city of Kolkata becomes a hub of cultural activities, music, and art. The festival concludes with the immersion of the idols in the river, symbolizing the goddess’s return to her heavenly abode. 

Gujarat – Garba and Dandiya Raas: 

Gujarat’s Dussehra celebration is a riot of colours, dance, and music. The Garba and Dandiya Raas dances are the highlight of the festival, where people dress in vibrant attire and dance in concentric circles, accompanied by traditional folk music. It’s a joyful and energetic celebration of the victory of good over evil, signifying the triumph of Goddess Durga over Mahishasura. 

Punjab – Dussehra Fairs: 

In Punjab, Dussehra is celebrated as a harvest festival, with the worship of Lord Ram and the burning of effigies of Ravana. The festival is marked by fairs and processions, showcasing the agricultural abundance of the region. It’s a time for communities to come together, enjoy folk music, and relish delicious Punjabi cuisine. 


Himachal Pradesh – Kullu Dussehra: 

Kullu Dussehra in Himachal Pradesh is a week-long festival that begins on Vijayadashami. It is an extravagant celebration featuring processions of deities from various temples in the region. The main attraction is the chariot of Lord Raghunath, which is lavishly decorated and paraded through the town. The festival also includes cultural performances, making it a visual and auditory treat for visitors. 

Tamil Nadu – Golu Doll Displays: 

In Tamil Nadu, Dussehra is celebrated with the arrangement of Golu dolls in homes. These dolls are intricately arranged on a stepped platform, and families invite guests to view this display. Additionally, gifts and sweets are exchanged to honour the celebration. It’s a time for devotion, creativity, and social gatherings. 


The diverse celebrations of Dussehra across India offer a glimpse into the country’s rich cultural heritage and traditions. Each state’s unique customs, rituals, and festivities make this festival a melting pot of experiences. At Veda Yatra, we understand the importance of preserving these traditions and ensuring that they are accessible to everyone, regardless of their location or familiarity with the rituals. 

Veda Yatra is a company dedicated to providing puja services conducted by certified pujaris who have deep knowledge and experience in performing various religious ceremonies. We take pride in connecting people with the cultural and spiritual roots of India by offering online puja services that allow you to participate in traditional rituals, no matter where you are in the world. 

Our team of certified pujaris ensures that every puja is conducted with precision and authenticity, adhering to the rituals and customs of the specific tradition. We believe in bringing the sacredness and spirituality of Indian festivals like Dussehra to your doorstep, making it accessible to everyone, including those living far from their homeland. 

Furthermore, Veda Yatra strives to provide a seamless and hassle-free experience for all your puja needs. Our online platform allows you to book pujas easily, and our pujaris will perform the rituals on your behalf. We also offer customization options, so you can choose the specific puja you wish to perform and the date and time that suits you best. 

In conclusion, Veda Yatra is your trusted partner in keeping the essence of Indian festivals like Dussehra alive, no matter where you are in the world. We are committed to preserving the rich traditions of India and making them accessible to all, while ensuring that every puja is conducted with the utmost authenticity and devotion. Celebrate Dussehra with Veda Yatra and experience the beauty of Indian culture and spirituality from the comfort of your home. 

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